
Select a category from below to see the items available to purchase. We currently accept payments via Paypal which supports all credit card transactions, among other forms of payments if you wish to setup an account (or have an existing account).

T Shirts

65% Fuckable

65% FuckableThe hottest shirt on the block! Maroon unisex shirt with distressed white writing. (looks different than photo) 100% cotton, available in sizes small through 2x. Show your civic pride and humbleness by purchasing this shirt today.

The Designated Wingman

The Designated WingmanThe Designated Wingman t-shirt is available in sizes medium thru 2XL.
Please indicate size at checkout.

The Cockblocker

The CockblockerThe Cockblocker t-shirt is available between sizes small thru 2XL.

Please specify size at checkout.